branding technology ona move 01 cabecera design


ONA is a benchmark brand in the development of EDM technologies, being one of the oldest manufacturers of EDM machines in the world, the first in the European Union and one of the most important worldwide. The talent and know-how of its human team has been fundamental to achieve a leading position in the market.

The challenge for Move was to convert all this technological leadership into a fundamental part of its value proposition, defining a new and solid strategic positioning in the form of a new corporate image, new services and a new business focus.

01 move digital technology storytelling 1 stand ona interiorismo branding narrative spaces design storytelling technology 2 stand design digital narrative 02 spaces ona interiorismo move branding

One main focus: we are experts

ONA's value proposition is absolutely differential in the sector, nobody has as much expertise as ONA in the world of EDM. More than 60 years of innovation and technological implementation in the development of EDM technologies. More than 14,000 machines installed. More than 60 countries on 5 continents with ONA machines... Insights conclusive enough to be able to state that the cornerstone of ONA, what gives meaning to everything they do, is EDM. They maintain a firm commitment to this technology that has allowed them to be leaders in large and special EDM machines and benchmarks in their sector yesterday, today and tomorrow.

For all these reasons, today they can say with confidence, humility and conviction: We are EDM. Using this expression as a brand promise commits them to have a specific way of being, to adopt a leadership behaviour and to continue being a reference in R&D&I. It is not only a brand claim, it is a strategic positioning to compete better, to continue being leaders in EDM.

move technology ona claim 01 narrative digital branding design brand spaces

Four values: one brand

Four values define their way of being and are what allow them to say WE ARE EDM. Values that mean very concrete things to ONA but that above all commit them to act accordingly: Pride, Skill, Demand and Technological Talent.

book spaces ona move brand branding design 01 technology narrative 2 digital
design 02 move book ona narrative technology digital branding brand spaces

A new NAO in both substance and form

The new approach to the brand has been worked on from all points of contact between the brand and its different audiences. From a restyling of its logo and visual identity to a redefinition of the design of its products and services. The basis of its new visual system has been the reinterpretation of its corporate identity and its graphic platform (corporate identity, catalogues, presentations, clothing...) and, from that base, the new style has been applied to the whole universe of interaction channels between the brand and its audiences.

move branding digital print technology narrative ona spaces 05 design
branding ona 02 spaces narrative technology digital print move design
03 technology print move ona branding design narrative digital spaces
spaces 07 digital ona technology design move print narrative branding
spaces ona narrative digital move technology 08 branding design print
ona move 09 spaces narrative technology print design digital branding
narrative branding spaces ona design digital print technology move 10
ona technology move spaces 01 print branding narrative digital design
digital print narrative technology ona design branding 06 move spaces
2 move stand columns narrative 02 spaces ona interiorismo design branding digital technology
ona cnc technology design animation branding move
ona digital technology narrative design move spaces 05 website branding
branding website narrative spaces digital technology design move ona 04
technology ona website narrative 03 move branding digital design spaces
narrative technology 02 spaces design website digital branding ona move
website branding 01 design ona spaces digital narrative move technology

The showroom as a new space for relations with customers and suppliers, redesign of the front face of ONA machines, CNC design with a new approach both visually and in terms of functionality, taking into account totally innovative criteria of user experience in CNCs, new corporate website with adaptations for target countries, visual style for ephemeral spaces of the brand (stands for trade fairs for example), signage projects in different production plants... A multi-channel and multi-connected universe of experiences to always transmit a single and powerful message: ONA, we are EDM.

ona branding narrative stand columns 03 interiorismo design move digital spaces technology
ona design interiorismo digital branding stand technology narrative spaces move 02
04 digital ona spaces interiorismo design technology stand branding move narrative
03 interiorismo digital design stand ona branding technology spaces narrative move
technology move 08 interiorismo narrative ona spaces stand branding digital design
spaces interiorismo design stand digital narrative branding technology 07 move ona
stand design 05 move digital ona technology spaces branding interiorismo narrative
digital stand 06 ona move branding spaces narrative technology interiorismo design
branding move design digital spaces narrative interiorismo 01 stand ona technology

The ONA project has been awarded a gold LUX for its cover photographs in the series of catalogues being designed. The photographs were taken by the photographer José Luis López de Zubiria.

stand 01 move branding technology digital spaces interiorismo columns ona narrative design
technology ona narrative 01 branding print design move
05 print ona branding technology move narrative design
print 06 branding design narrative technology ona move
08 design ona move technology print narrative branding
narrative branding design technology move ona print 07
branding design move technology 02 ona print narrative
branding design move narrative 04 print technology ona
03 print ona move design branding technology narrative