narrative sports design spaces orbea move branding 01 lifestyle cabecera


Orbea is one of the most important bicycle brands in Europe. It produces different types of bicycles: road, mountain and touring bikes, all of them innovative models with the latest technology.

At a time when consumers were looking for a brand that was close to them, adapted to the times, with which they could maintain a fluid relationship and, above all, be able to enjoy a unique and personalised experience, Orbea made strategic decisions for the brand that have had very beneficial results for the company.

move history orbea 01 lifestyle design sports spaces narrative branding process
spaces sports orbea move design lifestyle 02 process branding history narrative
orbea history process move branding 03 lifestyle narrative spaces design sports
spaces branding sports history process orbea design 04 narrative lifestyle move
spaces sports move 08 lifestyle branding design history process orbea narrative
sports orbea design lifestyle history move narrative process branding 05 spaces
lifestyle 06 design branding process history spaces narrative orbea sports move
sports 09 move design lifestyle branding spaces history orbea narrative process
move spaces process 07 branding history sports lifestyle orbea design narrative

At -move we understood this project as a brand building work from the foundations, which are those of its own story. For a brand with such a loyal user base as Orbea's, everything it says and does has to be part of the same whole. The brand, in short, becomes its main asset, its main value. With Orbea in -move we have worked more than ever on the concept of brandmakers ©, since in this brand building scenario, "think" and "make" must go hand in hand to reflect real value.

02 orbea lifestyle move spaces narrative sports branding 01 narrative spaces lifestyle orbea branding sports move

At the centre: the user.

The key to the project is an exhaustive knowledge of the user, who can be very varied depending on how he or she uses the bicycle. A user who, while having different levels of demand and experience, shares the same passion for the sport of cycling. And this is the key to brand communication: speaking to a community that shares the same attitude.

sports spaces move logo design narrative narrative branding orbea lifestyle 01
sports magazine spaces branding design orbea move narrative 01 print lifestyle
print orbea sports design lifestyle magazine narrative branding 02 move spaces
magazine narrative spaces 03 move design lifestyle branding print orbea sports
04 narrative print orbea move magazine branding spaces design lifestyle sports
move magazine lifestyle orbea spaces branding sports 05 narrative print design
spaces branding print move narrative design orbea lifestyle magazine 06 sports
orbea magazine design narrative lifestyle print 07 sports spaces move branding
move narrative branding magazine design print 08 lifestyle spaces orbea sports
magazine design narrative 09 spaces print sports lifestyle orbea move branding
orbea sports branding move magazine narrative 10 design lifestyle spaces print
spaces design sports branding narrative narrative move orbea lifestyle logo 02

There's only one first.

Orbea's history is its main value, which has allowed it to become a great international brand, while maintaining its values and essence intact. Orbea has no more and no less than 175 years of history, something that not many brands can say. And this history is the basis of its brand story, a manifesto that captures Orbea's promise to its community of users.

01 book 1 move sports design branding spaces narrative editorial orbea lifestyle
book branding move lifestyle 1 02 orbea narrative sports spaces design editorial
sports 1 move design editorial spaces book branding lifestyle narrative 03 orbea
editorial spaces move book sports orbea lifestyle design 04 narrative branding
book editorial narrative design sports orbea lifestyle move branding spaces 05
helmet orbea sports lifestyle move spaces 01 branding

At -move we have participated, together with the Orbea team, in the creation of this strategy for the brand, which translates into a new identity that is increasingly reinforced in its participation in international fairs, in the creation of Campus, the brand's Concept Store in Barcelona, in its presence in renowned cycling races, in pages and pages of media with new and renewed product advertisements, in the digital world, and in the celebration of its 175th anniversary with a brand story and different communication pieces that reinforce the message and the value of the brand.

branding 01 sports spaces orbea lifestyle move drawing
spaces sports 1 lifestyle 02 orbea move branding drawing
branding narrative interiorismo design orbea 01 sports move spaces lifestyle shop
move design narrative spaces interiorismo lifestyle branding orbea shop sports 02
interiorismo move shop 03 lifestyle branding design orbea sports narrative spaces
sports design shop interiorismo orbea lifestyle move narrative spaces branding 04
sports move spaces interiorismo narrative shop 05 design lifestyle orbea branding
spaces sports design interiorismo lifestyle orbea branding narrative move shop 06
orbea shop interiorismo spaces sports lifestyle narrative move branding design 07
lifestyle sports narrative orbea 08 design shop branding spaces interiorismo move
shop lifestyle move narrative interiorismo 09 sports design spaces branding orbea
02 narrative design spaces orbea branding move lifestyle sports stand
move orbea sports spaces branding 03 stand narrative design lifestyle
04 lifestyle move orbea narrative spaces design branding stand sports
sports lifestyle 05 spaces stand narrative move design branding orbea
stand spaces lifestyle branding move design sports narrative orbea 06