

When a brand has such solid values, strong convictions and a long history of consistency, the task of tackling a repositioning and rebranding project becomes a very satisfying task.

Almetac is a company that produces and distributes different types of glues and adhesives. A medium-sized firm but with great particularities that make it different. And, being aware of the value of that difference, Almetac set us the challenge of identifying it, verbalising it and giving it a new entity that spreads to everything the brand projects.

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Building on solid foundations

We approached the new stage of Almetac from the foundations, from the base and reflection, with the aim of (re)discovering the essence of the brand, trying to delve into everything that makes it express more and better what it really is.

Throughout the coworking process, we discovered the solidity of these pillars: a strong commitment to product research, a great capacity to anticipate and adapt to change, and above all, a spirit of closeness and commitment to each of its customers on which Almetac bases its business strategy and which it was necessary to make tangible.

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A new brand dimension. A new motivation.

Starting from the conceptual base, from the discovery of the brand's essence, the challenge was to transfer it to a new visual identity, a new graphic expression of the brand capable of transmitting what Almetac is proud of: the strength of a renewed and modern brand, but sustained by its history and the trust of its customers.

A renewal that fills with motivation and new energy a team of people ready to face new challenges.

The new brand conveys solidity, strength and a strong presence in the face of its competitors. A minimalist language of pure lines that evokes the pragmatism of a well-done teamwork.

Almetac's colour is its sign of identity, it is what differentiates it from the rest. Almetac is green, with all the connotations that the colour itself entails. It is related to calmness, a close colour. It is the colour of growth, renewal, kindness and security.

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corporativa tipografia color 01 almetac

Projecting into new markets and new challenges

Almetac's need to project its new identity to the outside world has resulted in a rapid implementation: new corporate communication elements, such as a new catalogue and different commercial presentations; new stationery and corporate documents; renewed forms of product presentation: a differential and distinctive packaging..

A new photographic style captured in a great session to show what we do not see inside an innovative, expert and cohesive company.

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New projection in the digital sphere.

The new brand identity and personality have in the digital territory a perfect channel to develop and increase its diffusion, the further the better. Through a completely renewed website, a functional and identity tool through which to show a different way of doing things. A showcase to bear witness to a competent, competitive, modern brand, ready for any challenge. And also an instrument of proximity, service and direct contact with customers, which highlights Almetac's commitment to each and every one of them.

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Steps towards the future

Almetac's commitment, enthusiasm and involvement in this new project show the enthusiasm and confidence of a company that is convinced of the values that make it strong in the market and of the importance of continuing to project these values through a powerful brand.