design digital move 01 header branding etxepare spaces narrative

Etxepare Euskal Institutua

In its ten years of history, Etxepare Euskal Institutua, a public entity created with the aim of promoting and publicising Basque language, culture and creation internationally, has evolved to reach new places and new audiences.

An unprecedented evolution that required the brand to match the institution. To this end, together with part of the Etxepare team, we began a period of discovery and built a new and inspiring identity with the aim of aligning the brand strategy with a new visual and narrative style.

header digital design 01 narrative branding move institutua etxepare spaces
peques etxepare fotos 01
peques 02 fotos etxepare
03 etxepare fotos peques
peques fotos etxepare 04

A value proposition almost 500 years old.

In "Jalgi hadi mundura", the verse of the poem Kontrapas written by Bernat Etxepare in 1545, many of the brand values (motivations, aspirations, identity) are reflected.

We have taken up the spirit of these verses to incorporate them into the value proposition in a direct, easy, memorable and contemporary way.

narrative move animacion etxepare branding design spaces digital

A voice that connects worlds.

Etxepare Euskal Institutua, with a clearly open-minded character towards the world, comfortably settles in the territory of an explorer brand. A lively, luminous and dynamic institution, whose aim is to promote connections between creators, it deserved to tell who it was and to do so in a personal and unique tone of voice.

spaces narrative relato etxepare move digital marca design branding 01
etxepare branding valores 01 spaces narrative slide digital move design
digital narrative spaces etxepare design slide 02 branding move valores
move etxepare narrative spaces 03 branding digital valores slide design
slide narrative spaces 04 etxepare branding move valores digital design

A visual universe made system.

The use of colour, typography, graphics and images with which the institute was to communicate, the way in which these were to be applied, the use of space, as well as the new expression of the logo, make up the system that helps Etxepare Euskal Institutua to tell its story and shape the perception that people have of us, from our collaborators to the general public.

logo branding digital narrative spaces design etxepare move 01
narrative spaces move etxepare branding design digital 00 brandbook
branding spaces brandbook 01 digital move etxepare design narrative
spaces digital 02 etxepare move brandbook narrative branding design
design narrative brandbook digital move branding etxepare spaces 03
design brandbook branding move digital etxepare 04 narrative spaces
spaces etxepare 05 move brandbook digital design branding narrative
06 branding brandbook digital move spaces narrative etxepare design

A visual system to transmit all the Basque cultural energy.

The visual system of Etxepare Euskal Institutua is inspired by windows, which is why we call it the "Leihoak system". Through them, the subject connects with the object, the exterior with the interior, the house with the world... In the same way that Etxepare Euskal Institutua connects creators with the world and amplifies their echo in the global cultural exchange. Windows become a recurring element, a visual key that contributes to making communication unitary and recognisable through their use in all kinds of media, adapting their shape and size to the needs of the content.

Many ways of telling the same story.

A visual system that allows the Euskal Etxepare Institutua to connect effectively with its public, through any medium necessary, and of course, that gives it the opportunity to continue to successfully transmit who they are and why they are so important within the Basque cultural and international framework.

01 1 move narrative etxepare design branding digital spaces soportes
digital move spaces memoria etxepare 01 design narrative branding
move etxepare 02 digital spaces design narrative memoria branding
branding digital memoria etxepare 03 move design narrative spaces
narrative spaces 1 branding design move digital soportes etxepare 02
branding website etxepare digital move 01 narrative design spaces 1
digital website 1 move branding design spaces 02 etxepare narrative
branding website 03 1 design digital narrative spaces move etxepare
narrative etxepare 1 spaces move website digital design 04 branding