cabecera design food 01 ixo mugaritz andoni topa move spaces grupo luis move food aduriz branding


The Mugaritz team, led by Andoni Luis Aduriz, presented us with a clear challenge: to create a brand with soul. At -move we worked together with them to lay the foundations of a project that for Andoni Luis Aduriz, as he told us, was "his dream". A vital creative strategy work for a brand like this, where it is essential that nothing depends solely on the sense of taste. From the design thinking sessions we held with the R&D&I team and with Andoni Luis Aduriz himself, after a participative and collaborative work, the soul we were looking for emerged.

andoni branding plan mugaritz ixo food topa design luis 01 move grupo food move aduriz spaces
02 food branding design aduriz topa ixo luis mugaritz spaces plan move move andoni grupo food

And from that dream, TOPA was born. First, with a name that united in a single word everything that Andoni wanted to convey: culture, exchange, new discoveries in every mouthful and at every table, at every bar, in the flavour of each dish... The reunion, at last, of people, roots and histories and of two cultures: Basque and Latin American.

estrategia branding luis andoni mugaritz topa move food aduriz move design 01 significado food ixo grupo
grupo move move significado branding estrategia andoni topa mugaritz food luis design ixo 02 aduriz food

To this name, we added a reinvented surname adapted to the rogue personality of the project: SUKALDERÍA, and both concepts were then joined together in a brand story that defined the attitude and personality of the new Topa.

relato move andoni food food 01 topa estrategia grupo branding luis design ixo mugaritz aduriz move
move estrategia grupo 02 andoni food ixo move aduriz relato luis branding food design mugaritz topa
ixo design move grupo branding topa aduriz 03 food andoni food mugaritz estrategia move relato luis

The name was complete: there was the connection and the cheek; there was the history and the delight. We knew his personality, the way he was and did.... And now we needed to give it a style, to know how it should present itself and say "hello" to the world. To do this, we put into action our most authentic and manual creativity, the one with its roots, and we joined it to everything that inspired us about Topa, to the different worlds, cultures, traditions, pasts? We gave it appearance, flavour, smell, colour... and even music, and we presented it in the kitchen of Mugaritz, the place where good things always happen.

ixo food design food aduriz move logotipo andoni topa luis mugaritz grupo move 01 branding
ixo luis food logo stamping andoni food mugaritz branding move design grupo aduriz 01 move
logo luis 02 move move food design branding andoni mugaritz stamping ixo food grupo aduriz
03 mugaritz move design ixo andoni branding stamping luis grupo move aduriz food logo food
move move andoni stamping aduriz design grupo ixo food branding mugaritz food 04 luis logo
move food ixo mugaritz branding design grupo luis logo 05 stamping food move andoni aduriz
food topa mugaritz ixo branding design icono_01 food move aduriz andoni luis move grupo

After all this, a live show painting of how we had transferred this concept and everything it meant, to the graphic world of a restaurant, to the kitchen, the menu... Because if everything goes hand in hand, coherence would take diners where Andoni Luis wanted them to go: to the discovery of two worlds separated by thousands of kilometres, which are much closer than they think.

design grupo food food layout move mugaritz aduriz move 01 ixo luis topa branding spaces andoni
luis food branding andoni food 02 ixo mugaritz spaces aduriz layout move topa move grupo design
move andoni design brand food grupo book 01 move branding food mugaritz luis aduriz ixo
ixo design food luis move 02 aduriz brand grupo mugaritz branding andoni move food book
move aduriz food book brand ixo andoni 03 food design mugaritz branding luis grupo move
food mugaritz 04 food grupo ixo luis book branding move andoni brand move design aduriz
luis move move grupo 05 ixo andoni food branding aduriz design brand mugaritz book food
design 06 book aduriz move brand branding mugaritz move ixo andoni food grupo food luis
01 design luis move papeleria branding food aduriz mugaritz move grupo food andoni ixo
02 grupo aduriz andoni move ixo mugaritz design luis food food papeleria move branding